  • support@biharneuro.com
  • Ajay Bhawan, South of Pillar Number 2, Railway Overbridge, Rukanpura, Bailey Road, Patna
  • mon - fri : 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM


Acute stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, injuring brain cells and tissues. Recognising stroke symptoms is crucial as people who get rapid treatment have a better chance of a more complete recovery, even if the initial stroke is relatively severe.

Brain tissue is very sensitive; it needs a constant supply of blood to deliver oxygen to the thousands of nerve cells that power thought and function. If the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, even briefly, large numbers of brain cells can die within minutes. This can cause serious damage, which can be permanent as nerve cells in the brain cannot regenerate. Prompt treatment to limit the damage can mean a faster and more complete recovery. Acute stroke damages the brain and is a physical injury; for this reason GPs and specialists often call a stroke a brain attack, as it is similar to a heart attack but occurs in the brain.


  • painful headache that comes on very suddenly

  • Feeling dizzy or uncoordinated

  • Finding it hard to see out of one or both eyes.

  • if stroke continues, more of the brain can be affected.


1) Never smoke, or stop smoking.
2) Drink only moderate amounts of alcohol (21 units per week for men and 14 units per week for women, maximum).
3) Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables but low in saturated fats, processed sugar and salt.
4)If you have diabetes, get the proper support to make sure it is tightly controlled.